2. America's Cup Yachts

2. America's Cup Yachts - Stars & Stripes, Mighty Mary, Young America

An experienced writer and photographer for Signs of the Times magazine, Charlie approached the Stars and Stripes syndicate about documenting America's Cup graphics for an article. Given opportunity, Charlie bid on and landed the work itself.

Dennis Conner commented that the Stars and Stripes lettering was "one of the most impressive gold leaf graphic works [he had seen] in more than 40 years of sailing and observing sailboats."

Gold Leaf is a delicate material which requires great awareness of atmospheric factors in delivering the best possible result. Expertise makes the difference between an adequate and a spectacular result.

Goetz Custom Boats, Bristol, RI subsequently invited Charlie back to work on other America's Cup contenders - Mighty Mary and two Young America boats.

The following pages demonstrate Charlie's adaptation to supergraphics and racing shells, and incidentally to working alongside others as high-end craft are built.

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